About us

ABC lux is a sister firm of the renowned accounting agency Ab lux, which has been operating for over 30 years. Although we share heritage, expertise, and operate in the same business space, ABC lux is focused on providing services to clients who are not in the VAT system, enabling them to receive more efficient and cost-effective accounting services.

Our Team

Our team consists of highly trained professionals, including certified accountants, graduated economists, and lawyers, who use the same proven methods and technologies as Ab lux. The quality of our services is confirmed by dozens of satisfied clients and an almost non-existent turnover among them.

Education and Expertise

ABC lux also employs an innovative learning management system, ensuring continuous employee improvement and consistent service quality. All employees go through thorough training and testing to ensure the highest level of expertise.

1 Client - 1 Accountant = Quality

The philosophy of one accountant per client ensures personalized and high-quality service. Through this model, our clients are always informed and know that the accountant responsible for their company is fully versed in their business.

Modern Approach

We utilize the latest software tools and technologies, along with regular monitoring of legal regulations, to provide you with the most comprehensive support in managing your business.

Focus on Clients from Belgrade

We primarily offer accounting services to clients in Belgrade, focusing on clients headquartered in the city. This allows us to ensure top-notch service, including the possibility of personal visits to relevant institutions.

Business Efficiency, Without VAT

ABC lux offers a full range of accounting services with a focus on clients who are not in the VAT system. This way, we provide savings to our clients, as ABC lux is not in the VAT system either, so clients do not pay VAT that they cannot return and would have to pay if they engaged an accounting agency that is in the VAT system.